Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

" Agro Wonosari Tea Gardens "

Agro Wonosari Tea Gardens is situated on the slopes of Mount Arjuna, Malang regency, East Java. Plantation is located at altitudes between 950-1250 above sea level (asl) with temperatures between 19-26 degrees Celsius. 
Agro tea plantation is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero), namely state enterprises (BUMN) engaged in the plantation of coffee, cocoa, rubber, tea, and horticulture. Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is one great place to visit because of the cool climate conditions and natural beauty of the panorama.

Agro tourism is suitable for families, especially on weekends. Tourists visiting the sights of this tea plantation can enjoy some travel experience, including swimming pool, recreation, sports, and activities to gain knowledge. This tourist attraction is to facilitate visitors to enjoy the natural charm of the tea plantations, fresh air while walking or running around, watching the activities of the tea pickers, and knowledge of how to draw the tops of the tea is processed until ready for consumption.

Location Agro Wonosari Tea Garden is on the border between two villages, the Village Toyomarto, District and Village Singosari Wonorejo, District Lawang, Malang regency, East Java.

Location Agro Wonosari Tea Gardens is located west of the main street of Surabaya-Malang. Therefore, tourists who want to enjoy the expanse of tea plantations in the area of ​​agro-tourism can be visited through the city of Surabaya, the capital of East Java province, or embark on a journey through the city of Malang.


From Surabaya, the distance that must be taken to arrive at the tea plantation area is about 80 km to the south, while from the city of Malang, about 30 km to the north. The journey from Surabaya or Malang can be reached by using public transportation (bus) or private vehicle. If using public transport, visitors are advised to go down in the town of Lawang district, Malang regency. From this district visitors can ride public transport (Bus) to get to the plantation area at a distance + 6 km.

Visitors are invited and children can enjoy other facilities, such as trying out the game in the Playground, driving a Mini Train, Mini Zoo and watched. At this location, also available a swimming pool, supermarket, shop telephone, facilities for outbound events, sport riding, bike paths healthy, soccer field, volleyball, and tennis.

Travelers need not worry if you want to linger in this agro-tourism area as it is available several houses (home stay / guesthouse) which can be rented at rates that vary. visitors can also use the land the camp is also provided at the location of this plantation.

By : Vuyiko

Photo By : Made Surya S.

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